Minimalism relative to interior decorating became mainstream in the 90s and is still going strong, perhaps stronger than ever! The concept of “less is more” can be seen in most modern homes that use minimalist touches in their decor. Zen decor is the concept of using minimalism paired with natural effects to promote relaxation and a sense of balance and energy in the home.
So, as you see, the two depend on each other and the result is a home that has equilibrium between tranquility and great art used in moderation. To achieve this, there are some pretty exquisite pieces of artwork that you can use to grace your walls, tables and floors.
To start off, you should understand that in Zen decor, everything should be as close to “au naturelle” as possible. Seek out accessories made with natural or raw materials like wood, steel and other metals. Live plants, incense and water fountains are also great contributors to Zen themes.
Buddha statues, long admired for their natural beauty and grace, are not only reflective of the calming Buddhist nature, but also can add calmness and peace to your home. In fact, these decorative statues are probably one of the most thought after accessory items when it comes to Zen.
Canvas wall art, such as abstract art paintings or paintings that reflect nature settings are another big category. I love canvas wall art because it really allows for self expression. Over the years abstract art paintings have really captured emotion and feeling like never before. You can literally get lost in a good painting.
When you start to put all these accessories in your home, be aware of where you’re placing them. Does your large floor plant really need to be in the kitchen, or can it go by the front door? Or in the living room? Will your Buddha statues work better in the dining room or on your mantle over the fireplace?
Place your Zen decor around the home in areas you feel can most benefit from some serenity and stillness. Keep in mind that clutter is opposite of Zen values. Artwork can serve as a focal point in the room or as an addition to other pieces in the room that work towards your decorating scheme. Arrange your pieces and artwork so that your entire home gets the benefit.
Finally, find a good source on the internet to buy your home decor. It is not easy, but if you look carefully, you will find just the right online venue for all your minimalistic home accessories.